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AS & Covid Vaccines

Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum. I was diagnosed with AS when I was 28 (now 44). I had a really bad year when I was diagnosed, to the point where I really couldn't walk, laugh, lay down, sit up, etc. This lasted about a year. I changed my diet to as close to carb free as possible and apart from small flare ups here and there, I have been OK. I recently had a flare up which lasted a little longer than those of the past, but it was also a bit less severe in that it was isolated to my right hip - none of the fizzing in the knees and back that I am accustomed to. Anyway I am about to get a vaccine booster and was wondering if any one had any good or bad experiences with either of the big three. I had J&J initially with no AS related symptoms. I was thinking of taking Moderna booster but am now having second thoughts. Anyone have any experience with either Moderna or Pfizer? I should probably stick with J&J but thought I would try to run it by a forum. Thanks all! A

  1. Thanks Rick! I appreciate you sharing your experience.

    1. I had all three Pfizer vaccines with no discernable impact.

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