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How Does Your Experience Compare to That of Others Living with AS In America?

In 2020, 787 people living with ankylosing spondylitis took our online Spondyloarthritis In America Survey. We also got information from people living with:

  • Undifferentiated spondyloarthritis (285 participants)
  • Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (105 participants)

Each year, we learn so much about what the community's journey living with axial spondyloarthritis is like in an anonymous survey. Some of the findings confirm what we already know about living with a difficult rheumatic condition, while others are surprising! We want to share some of these results with you – see how your experience compares below!

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What is the most common tactic people use to cope in the workplace?

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Other than back pain and fatigue, what is the most common symptom that AS patients experience?

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What is the average time between symptom onset and diagnosis?

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What percentage of people living with AS have had their employers make accommodations to their job?

Community Poll

How many patients feel their AS/AxSpA is under control with their current treatment plan?

How did you do?

Let us know in the comments below, and tell us if any of these answers surprised you! You can also see more findings from past Spondyloarthritis In America surveys in our special collection of articles, which covers axial spondyloarthritis topics including diagnosis, treatment, and coping. You can also click here to learn more about our annual In America surveys, and why you should take them!

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