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How do you stay grounded during stressful times?

The link between stress and the inflammatory response means it’s crucial to find ways to destress in stressful times. Share your best tips for staying grounded when life gets overwhelming. Whether it's through mindfulness practices, gentle exercise, connecting with loved ones, or indulging in a favorite hobby, every strategy is valuable!

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  1. I go to my friends' bird store and hang out with my favorite parrots. Issa, Scarlett, Jackie, Rafiki and Cielo.

    But my very favorite "good bird boi" is Captain, a double yellow-headed Amazon parrot. He's cranky for most people but really like me for whatever reason.

    Then I come home and snuggle with my birds or throw together a fun snack for them and watch them go at it.

    1. Wonderful! My SIL has a bird and she adores and dotes on it. Definitely a perfect way to destress. Thanks for sharing. Warmly - Rebecca (team member)

  2. Take a few deep breaths, do stretches. Prioritize physical & mental health, then additional daily/life tasks. Reassess my ability to handle/complete tasks. Delegate some tasks to others. Taking baths, going for walks & having quiet time helps too!

    1. - These are all essential parts of managing this condition. And taking time for self-care activities like baths, walks, and quiet moments can be incredibly rejuvenating and help to relieve both physical discomfort and mental strain life hands us on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your ways to destress. Thoughtfully, Rebecca (team member)

    2. love all these tips. Thank you for sharing with us.

      Nicky (Team Member)

  3. Nature, breath work

    1. ,
      Being out in nature can be so calming.
      I want to give breath work a try, did you teach yourself?
      ~Doreen (Team Member)

    2. Love it!!! Thank you for sharing. I love when I get the chance to enjoy the out door nature. Is their a favorite place you like to go ?

      Nicky (Team Member)

  4. Music

    1. My favorite - love love love music. I always have music on in the background to keep calm around the house. Thanks for sharing. Rebecca (team member)

    2. Love it!!! Thank you for sharing! I would have to agree with you. Music it was help me also on the hard days. Hope you are doing well.


      Nicky (Team Member)

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